Monthly Sustainer

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Who is receiving the dedication notice?
What is their email address?
Optional. Write a personal note to the recipient.

Investing in women has made the most significant and far-reaching impact, which is why we have intentionally shifted away from a “charity mindset” making EMPOWERMENT our #1 Strategic Objective. We believe that the chains of dependency can and will be broken by creating partnership opportunities that result in multi-generational progress. 

Your steady support will help to strengthen and expand our Family Empowerment Program, which provides opportunities for guardians (primarily mothers, aunties and grandmothers) in Uganda to create economic security for their children and entire family. As a FASTrack monthly sustainer, your loyal support will help to fund:

In the aftermath of COVID-19, we have also been focused on improving the physical and mental health of families - providing emergency food bundles, sanitary supplies and cleaning products, mosquito nets, whistles and solar lanterns for safety, facilitating home reloactions, access to medical check-ups, medicine, mental health counseling and so much more.

As a monthly sustainer, your support will help us meet the changing and often urgent needs of families in crisis. 

You will also receive exclusive access to our Family Empowerment Program timeline with ongoing updates on the women and children benefiting from your support.